‘Changes are a part of life.’ This statement is very true, for changes take place now and then, and play a very important role in the lives of people. Changes should be far good, but, the change that our country, India is facing is turning into a disaster! The number of illiterate people is growing larger and the population has reached beyond seven billion. The walls of corruption are growing thicker day by day. There is poverty and lack of job opportunities. Waste is thrown here and there just like it is a bin! Some policemen even take bribes as a way to earn money as they get very less wages. Is this the future we are heading for? If all this will continue, it will be impossible for all us to live.
What we need is a revolution, a change for the betterment of India. The illiterate should be educated and the masses of people should be made aware of the problems India is facing. The government should try to encourage poor people to study and to work so that they can earn money. Corruption should be controlled. Bribery should be banned! People should be taught that love and respect are more important than money. This all is going to be a very slow process but it is hoped to bring about a change .The youth of India should join hands and now to try to do their bit of improving India as we are the future of this country.
- Zenali Shah